81% of businesses are underserved by existing capital markets

This is a newsletter for founders and “capital entrepreneurs” who want a better capital landscape.

Twice per month, using the Innovative Finance Playbook as a jumping-off point, we will explore the future of finance for:

  • Startups seeking a path between debt and equity

  • Companies looking to reward stakeholders, not just shareholders

  • Communities looking to catalyze investment in local entrepreneurs

  • Investors who think outside the box

Our goal is to continue to amplify the ideas and people building the capital landscape we all want to see.


In 2022, the Innovative Finance Playbook was created, with support from Blueprint Local, the U.S. Economic Development Agency, and Nowak Metro Finance Lab. the playbook is a vast guide as to how funders and founders are forging a more inclusive and holistic capital landscape. It includes broad explainers all the way down to the nitty-gritty like term sheets, financial models, and case studies. And so much more (seriously, »check it out). Today, the next step is to spread this library of knowledge and spark more capital entrepreneurship.

Who Are We

This newsletter is authored by Jonathan Bragdon and Jamie Finney. We are capital entrepreneurs who have raised funds and written checks that didn’t fit the traditional finance molds. We gained a lot from talking to fellow founders and investors and hope to provide this same space for you, our readers.

We are supported by the Innovative Finance Project Team: Brendan Cosgrove, Maegan Moore, and Michael Belles.

Don’t Be A Stranger

Have an idea for something we should cover in the newsletter?

Want to share an innovative finance opportunity or announcement?

Just hit “reply”.

Subscribe to Innovative Finance Newsletter

Twice-ish-per-month newsletter for the Capital Entrepreneurs ecosystem. Builds off of the playbook @ Innovative.Finance


economic plumber, rural VC, writer
Supporting Capital Entrepreneurs at Catalyze
GP @capacitycapital | CEO @capacityis | founder turned funder | AMA re startups, underestimated founders, capital strategy, inclusive funding, rev-based investment, bootstrap fast-growth